There are seven days of the week at this current point in time, and this is something that virtually anyone who has had even a year or two of schooling would tell you. The reason why this is relevant is that certain days of the week have been set aside for work, whereas others have been set aside for leisure or entertainment. Based on the type of employment that you have taken part in, this can have a strong impact on the day that you choose to take part in party bus rental.
You probably want to be able to enjoy your Denver Party Bus whilst having a day to recover from the revelry after the ride has been completed. As a result of the fact that this is the case, we would suggest that Saturday is the perfect day for you to rent a party bus for yourself as well as all of the friends that you might have made along the course of your life. Saturday is perfect because it is usually a day off for most people, and to top that off it is followed by Sunday which is a very unique holiday that virtually everyone gets to enjoy.
Hence, you can take part in the party bus ride on a Saturday and then use the subsequent Sunday to rest up and get ready for the week of work that you have waiting for you up ahead. You can always rent a party bus on a Sunday as well, but suffice it to say that this would not give you sufficient time to recuperate which means that you would struggle to get work done at work.